The Spotify Algorithm

Spotify announced some big algorithm updates this week and here is everything you need to know.

Starting this week, Spotify made an update to the algorithm that determines track selection and track ranking for the Popular section on artist profiles on Spotify. 

Previously, tracks that appeared within artist Popular sections were determined based on individual track popularity. The updated algorithm will calculate Popular section tracks based upon recording popularity rather than individual track popularity. 

This method will result in a more accurate reflection of artists’ current top tracks and will resolve issues such as:

  • Downranking of tracks with multiple live versions (as a result of play counts fragmenting with each additional version)

  • Discrepancies between what appears in artists’ Top Songs sections within Spotify for Artists vs. what appears in artists’ Popular sections on platform 

Please note that as of this week many top-performing artists’ Popular sections on Spotify will begin to refresh to reflect the algorithm update.

Written by Matt Johnson obo Tristar Records